Manu App


An interactive character app for adults and children alike. A chance to connect with Manu the brother of the Manu + Mimi duo in his imaginative magical world, produced out of a love of creating fun through animation.


Manu is the first of the Manu + Mimi apps from RJDM Studios. Manu (pronounced "Manoo") is a fun loving character with a wealth of expressions and gadgets to entertain. The interactive fun continues with the app allowing the audience to request animations from the studio's future releases.


Manu's full of curiosity, fiercely independent, wanting to discover the world and do his own thing. Launching a rocket pack off his back, being fired out of a cannon, flying off screen to a piano falling on him are just some of the in app animations.


How to interact with Manu:


  • / Shake the phone for a random animation
  • / Rub his tummy to make him laugh
  • / Turn your phone upside down to make Manu fall off the screen
  • / Turn it back again to make Manu fall back to his world
  • / Or choose a favourite by scrolling and pressing a cartoon button


What will you do to Manu?

How to Play

RJDM 2D and 3D Characters
© RJDM STUDIOS Registered in England No: 4779128 RJDM Studios, 5 Brookfields, Redhouse Square, Moulton Park, Northampton, NN3 6WL, UK